
The Community Research, Equity, and Design (CReEd) Lab, directed by Dr. Sheena Erete, is currently working on several AI-related projects spanning across information science topics such as minoritized groups, community development, and learning environments:

Community-based AI Learning Counterspaces 

We aim to build awareness around Artificial Intelligence and its social implications and impact on communities, along with fostering technical skills, creative outlets, and civic engagement sensitivities using AI tools. We situate our work in communities at the site…

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Black Women, Artificial Intelligence, and the Workplace

In this project, we seek to understand the growing and complex relationship between Black women and artificial intelligence tools in the workplace. This qualitative study aims to understand the professional relationships between Black Women and artificial intelligence tools…

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AI Tools Usage among Religious Nonprofit Organizations

For this research project, we will be conducting semi-structured interviews and speculative design activies to understand how the adoption practices and usages of artificial intelligence (AI) tools affect the workflow of community-based religious…

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Transportation Improvement in Cherry Hill, MD, via Community-based workshops 

Where Baltimore City residents explore community experiences on public transit and define community-centered goals for reform

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